Boli sme si prezerat byty. Jedna mala vyznamenanie. Modru vlajku s bielymi, iba aka mi zatial co druhy mal vlajku ktora symbolizovala ze bol vo väzeni. Vo sne ma rodicia zaviezli autom a chceli aby som sa zabila. Toto iste sa ma pytali pred 6 mesiacmi. Predtym mi dala obed. Isla som z auta (osobne sa citim smutna s kuskom adrenalinu). Ale ja som utiekla. Mama sa nahnevala. Predtym vo sne som videla Veroniku ale skôr som pozorovala dynamiky a tiez som bola smutna. Som vymyslala, pretvárala scenária keby som bola PPG a odletela, by som sa rýchlo skryla. Mala schopnosť neviditeľnosti a superrýchlosti. Ale nic z toho som nemala. V obrazovke predomnou sa objavila TV co predstavovala serial o ceskach ktore sa spravaju ako americanky. Rozmyslala som nad tym jak sa veci zmenili. Niekde rok 2022, jaka som sa bola vtedy zasamovrazdila. Ale realne to spravit? Ist ku koncu. Som myslela na buducnost. Aký dom by som mala keby som si ho kúpila. Aby ma utajil. Premýšľanie nad týmto mi dalo energiu sa zasamovrazdit. Napísala som správu: Wannabe Marko (chlapec co sa sprava jak Marko)
Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and they can be quite complex. From your description, several themes and symbols emerge that might provide insight into the meaning of your dream.
Exploration of Homes/Residences: Looking at apartments suggests a search for security or a sense of belonging. It may also reflect your aspirations or desires for a different life or environment.
Symbolism of Flags: The blue flag with white symbolizes achievement or honor, while the other flag that represents imprisonment might indicate feelings of restriction, guilt, or past mistakes. This juxtaposition could suggest a conflict between your aspirations and feelings of being trapped by circumstances or emotions.
Parental Influence and Negative Feelings: The part of your dream where your parents want you to harm yourself may symbolize feelings of familial pressure or unrealized expectations. It could reflect your internal struggles with mental health and the perception of your family dynamic.
Escape and Adrenaline: Your reaction of wanting to run away indicates a desire for freedom from pressures or a situation that feels overwhelming. The feelings of sadness combined with adrenaline may hint at a conflict between wanting to escape the pain and the urge to confront it.
Superhero Imagery: Imagining yourself as a superhero with abilities like invisibility and super speed could represent a desire for empowerment. These traits may reflect your wish to escape difficult situations or emotions and gain control over your life.
Reflection on Past: The contemplation of your past, including thoughts of suicide, points to unresolved issues or traumas. It could indicate a profound emotional struggle and a need to address these feelings rather than escape them.
Future Considerations: Thinking about what your future home would be like suggests contemplation of safety and comfort. The desire for a place that could "hide" you indicates a need for privacy or protection from external pressures.
Character References and External Influences: The mention of a TV show about Czech women behaving like Americans could imply feelings about identity and cultural changes. It might signify confusion or ambivalence about societal expectations and how you fit into them.
Overall, this dream seems to encapsulate themes of self-exploration, the desire for freedom and safety, struggles with mental health, and the tension between past experiences and aspirations for the future. It might be helpful to explore these feelings further, possibly with a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance.